The Official Google Website Optimizer Blog - The most up-to-date product news, industry insights, and testing strategies

Advanced Website Optimizer tricks

Friday, April 10, 2009 4/10/2009 10:59:00 AM

If you've been enjoying the Techie Guide to Website Optimizer, we have a treat for you. Eric Vasilik, the lead Website Optimizer engineer, has put together the new GWO Tricks blog showcasing some of the extra-cool things you can do with Website Optimizer such as:
It's important to note that these are pretty advanced techniques, so if you're just starting out with Website Optimizer, you probably want to begin at our Help Center or YouTube channel.

Big thanks to Eric for pushing the envelope on what's possible with Website Optimizer. If you've got ideas on what he should try next, leave a note in the comments.


sayed sajjad hussain said...

I just started my 1st expriments and it's nice to know you can do so much with your website.

Revonqi said...

Hi Guys, I meet an issue while testing.

My site has using Google Analytics for tracking the traffic. So I referred following article to modify the coding and add it to the testing page.

however, it CANNOT get through the step2 as it said the tracking code is not installed properly.

What should I Do? Thanks and looks forward to your early response.Thanks and my email is

Trevor Claiborne said...

Hi Revonqi,

This isn't really the best place to ask a question like that. We have a forum where you can get these questions answered:

My advice for you is to first try using two separate tracking scripts. That way you can rule out if it's something about the combined code or not.

So paste the GWO tracking script after the your original GA script.

Revonqi said...

thanks for the response. I will try at the support forum:)

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